Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dressing for Success?

I have been thinking about how I'm pretty good at dressing so the fat in my mid-section is less noticeable. Or at least I thought so. I decided to do a little experiment . . . take some pictures with my cellphone . . . something I'm not very good at!  If I was 16 or maybe even twenty I would be really good at it but then again I wouldn't have this problem . . . the problem with the extra, you know what around the middle.

Here's what I have. And I think at least in these clothes I'm not too bad at hiding The Extra.

Next I decided to take off my baggy sweatshirt and take similar pictures . . . yikes! The good news is I'm a good camouflager.  The bad news is that I have a lot to camouflage.

Since I haven't posted my before weight (you might remember that I have a hangup with that) I'm using these pictures instead.  And yes, I still plan to post my before measurements.

These photos are intended to motivate me and to give me something to refer back to.

Here's to good health!

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