Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blogging About Living Vibrantly for Fifty-Two Weeks in My 52nd Year

Today is my birthday!  I'm 51 years old . . . and just starting my fifty-second year.

A few weeks ago I happened on to a magazine that showcased bloggers.  I picked it up not because I was particularly interested in blogging, I was more interested in the graphic lay-out of the magazine.  While flipping through the pages I came across an article about an artist who decided to create 42 paintings in 42 weeks and blog about it along the way.  The blogger was an artist and an art teacher and was looking for something to spark new creativity in her work as well as a way to give back to her community in a charitable way.  At the end of the 42 weeks she would have an art show opening at a local gallery.  Any sales from the show would go to her favorite charity.

Hummm . . . I liked what I read and saw.  It interested me in many ways.  I love art and I was once an art teacher.  Could I do something like this?   . . . No way!  I'm not someone who is creating art and selling it.  No art gallery would have an opening and show my work!  My artwork couldn't earn a dime for any charity.  And besides that I don't know where I could fit in one more thing to do in to my life.

But still the personal challenge of setting a goal with a time frame that would encourage self-improvement was appealing to me.

After giving it some thought I came up with something that I could do.  Something that I feel passion about, but something I'm always seeking to improve on and that is living a healthy life style for improved wellness.

Where does the charitable part come in?  I'm not sure yet?  I feel like I'm on a journey that I'm not sure where it's going to take me, and I'm ok with that.  I don't know how many people will even read my blog, if any, but I feel a passion inside of me to take a chance and move forward even if I don't have everything figured out.  And besides the whole fifty-second year coordinates so well with the 52 weeks of the year thing!  No time to waste!  Today is the perfect day to start a personal challenge while hopefully inspiring others on my way.  Happy Birthday to me!

Oh, do you like my logo?  Are you wondering where the name came from?  Fall is my favorite season.  I love the crisp air and the vibrant colors!  And . . . let's face it, at fifty one I might be considered by some as being in the autumn season of my life so why not embrace it?  And it sure beats saying middle-aged.

And the red-violet part?  I'm a designer.  Color matters to me.  Warm colors suggest vitality and energy.  Red-Violet seemed like the perfect name or description for a blog about living life with joy and health, no matter your age.

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